Minimum required DD-WRT build for FlashRouters Privacy App:
Minimum required DD-WRT build for FlashRouters Privacy App Install: build version 02-12-2018-r3492.
Minimum required DD-WRT build for Simple Setup FlashRouters Privacy App: build version 08-30-2018-r36808.
Officially Supported Routers:
Netgear R6300v2
Netgear R6400v2
Netgear R7000
Netgear R7000P
Netgear R7800
Netgear R8000
Netgear R9000
Linksys WRT1200AC
Linksys WRT1900ACv1
Linksys WRT1900ACv2
Linksys WRT1900ACS
Linksys WRT3200ACM
Linksys WRT32X
Asus RT-AC56U
Asus RT-AC66U
Asus RT-AC68U
Asus RT-AC87U
Asus RT-AC3100
Asus RT-AC5300

How to install the FlashRouters Privacy App
- Your FlashRouter must have an internet connection
Go to Administration > Commands and copy and paste the following line:
curl --silent --retry 3 | sh
Download OpenVPN configuration files
If you are not already a CyberGhost user Sign Up Now.

- Protocol : Open VPN
- Country : Since native protocol connections may only be used with exactly one server you now have to choose the country you want to surf from; the server to be used in this country will be chosen by CyberGhost automatically.
- Server group : Choose the server group and the OpenVPN protocol (UDP or TCP) you want to use
OpenVPN UDP allows higher speed than the TCP version but can result in broken downloads in some cases. This is the default setting.
OpenVPN TCP allows more stable connections than the UDP version but is a bit slower. Choose this version, if you have recurrent connection issues such as sudden disconnections.
Once the desired parameters are chosen, save them with "Save Configuration"
To view the OpenVPN credentials that are generated for you on the configuration dashboard.
Press View configuration
After setting up your connection preferences, please take note of the following :
- Server Group : This is the address of the country (server) you want to be connected with, e.g. ''. This address changes with every country you have chosen in the step before. The actual single server to be used will be chosen automatically by CyberGhost.
- User name : A solely for this protocol generated user name. This is NOT your regular CyberGhost account user name, it's used only to authenticate with our servers via Manual Configurations.
- Password : A solely for protocol usage generated password. This is NOT your regular CyberGhost account password, it's used only to authenticate with our servers via Manual Configurations.
- Pre-Shared Key
Once done, please download the configuration file. For that click on « Download Configuration » and download the config file to your computer (it's recommended that you create a special folder for the config, somewhere accessible like your Desktop and Extract/Copy the contents of the .zip file there.

Connecting to CyberGhost in the FlashRouters Privacy App
Access the FlashRouters Privacy App
Go to
OR in DD-WRT settings go to Status > MyPage
Select CyberGhost
Type in your :
Username : the user name you obtained during the configuration process.
Password : the password you obtained during the configuration process.
In the User Certificate field copy and paste all contents of the client.crt file starting and ending with:
In the User Key field copy and paste all contents of the client.key file starting and ending with:

Using Auto-Connect and Global Kill Switch
Check Auto-Connect box to have FlashRouter connect to CyberGhost automatically upon reboot.
Check Global Kill Switch to kill the Internet connection if the VPN is disconnected.
Using the Options page :
- Device Renaming
- Policy Routing for Devices:
Default - Connected to VPN
Kill-Switch - per device Kill Switch (Global Kill Switch must be disabled)
VPN-Bypass - device connects directly to ISP
Policy Routing for Websites and Host IP’s
Simple Setup :
- DNS Servers: Fill in any custom DNS server from a reliable source such as Google, OpenDNS, or CyberGhost DNS servers.
- Wifi 2.4GHz: View and/or modify the SSID or password of your Wi-Fi FlashRouter 2.4Ghz network. Click on "Apply" and your router will automatically restart and the WiFi 2.4Ghz network information will be updated.
- Wifi 5GHz: View and/or modify the SSID or password of your Wi-Fi FlashRouter 5.0Ghz network.
Remember: After modifying the WiFi information, you will have to reconnect to the network to regain access to your router and FlashRouters application. Click on "Apply" and your router will automatically restart and the WiFi 5.0Ghz network information will be updated.
For any additional information or concerns - it is best to approach the Support Department:
via e-mail:
via on-line request:
via 24/7 Live! Chat Sessions on our website
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