To check out the streaming services we currently support, please visit this page.
If you are experiencing difficulty accessing any of these services, please follow the recommended troubleshooting steps below :
- Clear your DNS cache:
- Press the Windows Key or hover your mouse over the bottom left corner and click the Windows Icon
- Begin typing Command Prompt
- Right-click the application and select Run as Administrator. Run the following command in the command line and hit enter.
ipconfig /flushdns
Click the Terminal icon in the dock or in Finder under Application/Utilities/Terminal
Run the following command in the command line and hit enter.
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder; sleep 2;
Open a terminal window (gnome-terminal, konsole, xterm, etc)
sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart
sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart
- Clear your browser's cache if you are streaming via the browser.
- Change the VPN protocol
- Turn off all location services in your browser and all location services on your machine or device (GPS, etc...).
- Disconnect and reconnect to the selected streaming server to get a new IP address.
- Sign out of all Google Accounts on your device. Google caches IP addresses, this can reveal your real location.
- Reboot your router/modem.
1. Unplug power cables from modem and router*
2. Wait 30 seconds, plug modem in
3. Wait 30 seconds, plug router in
4. Wait 30 seconds, the network is now refreshed.
*If you have a router/modem combo, just unplug that device.
If you need any further assistance, please contact our customer support team via live chat or email and we will help you out!
via e-mail:
via on-line request:
via 24/7 Live! Chat Sessions on our website
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