To specify the way how CyberGhost's automatic Wi-Fi protection should set in you can define the general reaction of CyberGhost to Wi-Fi networks as well as a specific reaction to a specific WiFi.
Set up the general reaction to new / unknown Wi-Fi networks
1. Open the app settings with a single finger tap on the gear symbol :
2. In the app settings page first make sure that under the 'Smart Rules' section Wi-Fi Protection is enabled.
3. Now choose one of the following actions (all options are available for password-protected networks and open networks alike):
- Ask : Every time your device detects a Wi-Fi network, CyberGhost asks you if you want to be protected.
- Protect : Every time your device detects a Wi-Fi network, CyberGhost automatically starts a VPN connection.
- Disable protection : If you already have a VPN connection running and you enter a (different) Wi-Fi network, CyberGhost will disable the VPN connection.
- Ignore : By choosing this option, CyberGhost will ignore any Wi-Fi network.
Adjust specific reaction to known Wi-Fi networks
Known Wi-Fi networks: Since CyberGhost remembers networks and the reaction wanted on any particular network you can manage here all known networks, such as assigning a different reaction to a specific one, by simply tapping on the respective Wi-Fi Network. Search for the network you want to assign a different reaction to and tap on it. The options are the same as described above.
About the interaction of CyberGhost with known and unknown networks
The moment you enter a free or password-protected Wi-Fi, CyberGhost recognizes, if it's a known or unknown network. If unknown, the app reacts the way you defined in the general Wi-Fi settings, that is, either asks, protects, or ignores. If a network is already known, CyberGhost remembers how you wanted this single network to be treated the last time you visited, e. g. protect your device automatically.
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