If by any chance you should wish to uninstall CyberGhost for Linux or perform a reinstall of the CLI application (you'll be able to keep your config in case of a reinstall), all you need to do is run the appropriate command, as follows:
NOTE : For this example, the CyberGhost app is located on the Desktop.
1. Open a Terminal window and access the main menu of the CyberGhost app by running the following command: 'cyberghostvpn'
2. Run the command:
sudo cyberghostvpn --uninstall
Then press Enter:
You will be asked for :
[sudo] password for your Linux User account.
Do you want to remove the configuration files for CyberGhost application? [Y/N].
Once the above process has finalized, CyberGhost is uninstalled.
Moreover, you can now re-install CyberGhost as shown in our guide called:
How to install CyberGhost on Linux
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